Andalusian Plastic Cluster belongs to European Cluster Collaboration Platform, which aims to provide cluster organizations with development and cooperation modern tools.

These tools allow:
- To make an efficient use of network instruments (search for potential partners and opportunities)
- National and international collaborations
- Supporting new value chains emergence through cross-sectoral cooperations.
- Access to last news/events/calls for cluster developing
- To improve partners performance and competitivity

Benefits of joining Andalusian Plastic Cluster:
- Increasing technological development and innovation of partner companies, regardless of company size and technological resources.
- Access to new business, products and services networks by promoting multisectorial collaboration
- Capacity and opportunities to stimulate and internationalize SME from plastic sector
- Get an environment for promoting new business opportunities between cluster´s partners and other clusters
- Increase of competitivity, productivity and efficiency of partners since they are in a properly environment with qualified staff and as a consequence of collective technology knowledge
- Create sustainable employment and wealth
- Increase partners visibility and promotion opportunities in national and international markets
- Keep updated with last news of plastic sector
- Decrease your costs by belonging to a cross-sectorial collaborating network